Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Toronto Star Against Police

So let me get right to the point. The Star doesn't like the police does. Never has. Because it well known that liberal Governments like this one believe criminals and now terrorists have rights too. Just like we honest law abiding citizens do. So, how does the Star editorial staff cover it up? It just hammers away at the Police, to cover soft on crime policies. Including light sentences. So that's it. here's an example:

(My apologies for not being able to rotate the picture.)

This first picture which was taken last Saturday in it's prime edition says there is a lot wrong with the Police force. Of course there is. There's over 5,000 Police Officers working for Toronto. You might get 1 or 2 bad officers. You could also find 1 or twenty bad employees working at One Yonge street. Here's a biased opinion. If during the course of a work week a Star employee gets ticketed by the police for their biased opinion which they exploit continually. Is that unfair? I think so. But why does the Star building have to do this?
 Let's get this straight. We are honest hardworking people. We are law abiding citizens (except when we're racing thru a red light). The truth is I've been pulled over once for speeding on the highway. The cop issued a ticket which I rightfully deserved. But he reduced the fine and said I looked like a nice guy. That was in 2005. I've not had a ticket since. Police do not naturally want to lay charges against anyone but they will when it's necessary. In other words, a police officer is a nice man or woman. They don't deserve the flak they get from the Toronto Star. They are skilled and knowledgeable at their jobs. They are nice people like us. But always remember what the Bible says about this. "A false balance is an abomination to the Lord." Proverbs 11:1. It applies to weight and material but also opinions and estimates.

Some points to remember:
1. Police are nice to us and nice to people. I know this because my job requires me to work with Airside Police at the Airport and I know first hand how nice they can be. Star employees don't. They're are not experts. But they know their opinions.
2. Police don't have biased opinions or any racial profiling against any people who are black, or Muslim or any race or religion or creed. They are also an equal opportunity employer. I stand as much a chance at getting hired as anyone else. The Star would be hammering away if the Police didn't hire enough Black people. The Star tends to take aim at the Chief also.
3. The biased opinion the Star has gives proof of the liberal soft on crime approach to law enforcement and the Star because of it's support of  liberal governments like Kathleen Wynne and the Ontario liberals is doing what it can to cover it up. You think they're not trying to cover up. Think again.
4.Take the Star and the media for what it is. They are media, to tell you what you need to know. But you'll ultimately read what they want you to read. They are part of our democracy, but they must tell the truth. Which is why the verse in proverbs is so important. Proverbs 11:1. Remember it, and take it to heart. It's the truth.
From what I understand Stephen Harper didn't get along with media. Maybe he could have done more to establish something good with them. I hear Interim leader Rona Ambrose is doing what she can to establish a good connection with them. Respect for each other is key. Let's hope they can continue, and continue through the next Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. I wish them well.

Headline: "Why should we pay more for less?" That's a letter by Ben Bull from Weston, Ontario printed in todays' Toronto Star. Aug. 16th. So, should we pay more? Maybe, but Ben lives in Weston, ON, so this doesn't affect him. Why does the Star have to print his letter, couldn't it find someone living in Toronto? And what is wrong with trying to find money to save?

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