Thursday, 29 October 2015

Trudeau 2.0

More media bias from the CBC and what Justin Trudeau will do in the coming months. But first. When Stephen Harper became the PM in 2006, he took some shots from the media for things like the handshake he gave his son when he took young Ben to school. In Washington, George W. Bush called the PM. "Steve"
 Now when we're back to a liberal Gov't. Justin gets no such cheap shots like look at his hair. Look at him dance in the gay pride parade. Look at his soft on crime approach. PM Justin Trudeau wants to bring in at least 5,000 refugees into Canada. Why? Isn't that to much? I think so.
 He is pulling the CF-18 Jets out against the fight against ISIS. Which, I'm sure that rebel group has no objection. Some things are worth fighting for. An important difference between liberals and Conservatives is this: "On crime, the liberals are more concerned with the rights of the criminal, Conservatives the rights of the victim." And when in power, the legislation they introduced was based on that. This is how I believe, we saw things like people Karla Homolka when released from prison was able to speak French. She was taught it in prison. We saw men who able to get tattoos for free. Paid for by the tax payer.
 Justin wants to attend the Paris Climate Summit, with all the Premiers and a few Tree Huggers like Tzeporah Berman who goes out of her way for a better place to live. The only question I ask is: Does she drive to work everyday?
 She seems to think it'll be better under Justin Trudeau. Someone who cares about the environment as much as SHE DOES!
She says it's hard to explain to her kids (apparently they're crying over this) a Prime Minister that doesn't care about the environment like they do.
 Question: How much of a difference can a person make in the environment? I'll tell you something. It takes more then one person. And here's one example:
 When I went to Ottawa in July 2015, I saw the Sensor that recorded how many people riding bicycles, and it was a lot. That is helping the environment. But ask yourself a question. Is it wrong to force people to ride a bike when able to? No. absolutely not. It's against our Constitutional rights. That is why Governments will never commit to greenhouse gas emissions. We should all ask ourselves the question. What have we done for the environment. Myself I will say, not much. But I'm not concerned either. So why should other people?
 I think a person riding a bike to work every day is doing more for the atmosphere then say an environmentalist like Tzeporah Berman.
Did she ride her bike during the summer to her job? Does she drive? Probably, because she has two boys.
What she's really being is someone who criticizes Harper on his record and yet she does even less in her own environment to make things better. Nobody should think a change in government is going to make a difference in the environment. We make the difference. In our own little world.  You can see
her Toronto Star column Pg.A19, 10/29/15.

To build a Conservative movement, take a look at this link:

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