Hello friends and welcome. So, we lost. The Conservative are now the Opposition. That's okay. It was time for change. Now we will hold Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to account. When he's sworn in. We should get ready for higher taxes. We should do all that we can to save our money. Because believe me the liberals will find a way of taking it from our hands. So, what do we have to look forward too?
1. Stephen Harper and the economic policies that were implemented during his reign. We will have to see what Justin Trudeau does to the economy after this. I dare say it won't be the same as what we've seen.
2. A lot of seats. 99 seats is good. We are the Official Opposition. We also gained more seats in Quebec. 12. That's good. Let's build upon that so that in four or five years we can gain more. There is a message that we blue Tories can deliver to Quebec. It proves we can win. It proves we are an alternative to liberals, NDP and the Greens. Harper also saved his stronghold in Alberta. He didn't betray them like Brian Mulroney and the Progressive Conservatives did in the '93 election. Only 2 seats, both in New Brunswick.
3. Media. Okay I know that the media coverage in this election campaign was just awful, but The Conservatives should, even while in Opposition, make for a good relationship with Reporters and Journalists. Leave the hammering to us. We know some of them is biased. But I read once that "the respect factor is huge" with reporters. Give them a chance. If they still don't have any respect, then they should know what's coming back to them. An example is what is attached to this post. Taken last night on the CTV network. Obviously a liberal network. But last night as a guest, they featured "The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney" and you'd better believe that the respect factor was there for everyone that was listening. It was huge. And wonderful on both sides. Respect I believe goes a long way. And is will do well for the Conservatives to respect the media even while in Opposition. They should take it to heart. Ultimately though, they should make a change to the Broadcasting Act for a more balanced approach. They should do an over hall of the CBC.
Unfortunately, not able to download broadcast of Brian Mulroney on CTV last night.
I apologize.
4.Next is Leadership. With Harper stepping down, who will take his place.
a. Peter Kent
b. Lisa Raitt
c. Maxine Bernier, who said the following:
If we want conservative principles to win the battle, we have to defend them openly, with passion and with conviction.
- Maxime Bernier, January 21, 2010
I believe that to be wisdom. Good understanding of what's ahead for the Conservative Party of Canada. Maybe he can be the next Leader of the Party. The Leader of the Opposition, the next Prime Minister of Canada. A coincidence maybe is the we were born 8 days apart. That's alright.
He is a lawyer by trade, attended University, got his degree in Commerce which is money and accounting but actually became a lawyer. You can see below. He made one forgetful mistake and that was leaving some important documents in someone's house or apartment. He'll be okay still.
It is probably important for the Conservatives to win as many seats as possible, so that they can keep the skilled talent of Members of Parliament and of their party and be able to form the next Government. Kathleen Wynne said they need Justin Trudeau to win, I say we need certain people to win because of their skill and talent to win the next election, and these three Lisa Raitt, Peter Kent and Maxine Bernier can do it. There may also be another member that can lead who is from Alberta. Let's see. Here is the biography of Maxime Bernier. Take care.
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