"A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight." Prov. 11:1
If Justin Trudeau and his media friends are suggesting a "Real Change" from a strong economy and lower taxes there's got to be something wrong. My personal opinion is Harper's biggest mistake was his handling of the whole Mike Duffy affair. I won't say much about that, except it was wrong and he should be responsible for him and his Government actions. Let's put it behind us. If you want to hold it against him go ahead, he probably deserves. But remember why we threw the liberals out in the first place, Remember Justin Trudeau and his Campaign Manager resigning just in the last week, remember our strong economy.
There isn't a reason to throw out a Government over a strong economy, lower taxes and a balanced budget.
Unless you want higher taxes, and in this case higher deficits (nothing balanced), and Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister. You have to like something in order to want it. I could speak about Justin and Kathleen Wynne, which I heard about her political donations to Justin's campaign, which of course must be declared as expenses to Elections Canada. Good work on that. I personally don't think she's helping to get him elected. She's not popular these days. What I will do is post a picture of a Conservative Rally in Oakville, Ontario last night.
Justin Trudeau is not a leader. It's just He who wants the PM's big office and comfortable chair, and all the liberals who want power back. Don't let them have it.
Stand Up for Canada.

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