Sunday, 18 September 2016

PC Tories moving up in Ontario

Hi. Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown and his Conservative Party are moving up in popularity to 45% while Kathleen Wynne and her liberals are sinking down to new lows (25%). This is despite a throne speech in the Legislature and a promise from the liberals to reduce hydro rates. It seems people will like the lower rates, but they won't cut the Government a break for doing it. Another good example of liberals trying to bribe us with our own money. This time they are getting desperate. The example being lowering rates so we get re-elected. I personally want them out for another 20 years so they learn their lesson. There's some things that have to change. With this liberal government, the Teachers Union got what it wanted, So did Doctors' and now they will do everything in it's power to get these liberals back into power. My opinion, don't let your vote be influenced by any Union, any Media (like Toronto Star), they won't be thinking of any taxpayers, Parents or even the children they teach.
 This Kathleen Wynne government gave away millions of our dollars to the Teacher's Federation which in turn used it's own money to hit away at Patrick Brown and the PC's, which they were doing way back when Ernie Eves was Premier (2003).

This actually proves that these teachers must have money because they're it on behalf of the liberals, 

 The only thing we should be concerned about here is our children's education and the schools they are taught in. I grew up Toronto and had a very good education system and curriculum. I had Teacher's that cared, worked hard for every kid's education. Including mine and my brother. Now we're grown up with family and kids doing well too.

It is not a democracy when any Government pays someone to do it's dirty work for them.

 We should not believe any of it. And this is a government that's trying to hang onto power. A vote should be unbiased and should also be fair. We should know what the issues are. What matters. Because if I don't have autistic children, but a family is struggling financially with their child who dealing with Autism in the Province of Ontario I can speak for that family by voting for the one who will provide for them. But not Kathleen Wynne. So, in closing The poll says that Patrick Brown must do something to increase his popularity because he's a bit of a nobody. Not many people know who he is. No worries, Stephen Harper was the same way and it didn't take long for people to hear about him. He was a good leader.

The latest:

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