Thursday, 17 March 2016

Canada's Reputation Abroad

Hello. Justin Trudeau promised that if elected he would remove the Fighter Jets out against the fight against ISIL. That's a promise kept. But it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Especially after the recent attack in Paris. This is wrong. The Paris attack is wrong and so is the Governments position. And the result which we've already seen (did you hear Obama mention Canada in his speech?) is we will have a pretty awful reputation among all allied Countries. We're not helping. In QP yesterday (Question Period), Opposition Leader Rona Ambrose asked her first 2 questions about why Canada is pulling out it's CF-18's at a time when France and Germany are ramping up to fight against ISIS, Canada is ramping down. Trudeau's response: We'd like to change to a different kind of mission. One that would be equally militarily. I think  what he means is well, Peacekeepers. He says he wants to be a strong member of the coalition against ISIL. This is dumb.

 What is this Government's thinking when it comes to reputation? Does it care? It should be noted that this is a LIBERAL policy. Not democrat like Obama is, or left wing political party policy. They always do this. And this is what makes liberals to be proud? This does not reflect the Canadian way of thinking.
 Canadians want a strong reputation when it comes to allied support. We want to help our allies. We don't want to be American, but we want to help our American friends. Tom Brokaw in a broadcasting piece about both countries said, "If you're in a fight, you want the Canadians on your side. They were there on D-Day, in the Air and on the Beaches. (Juno beach to be exact). We've been America's most reliable partner in Afghanistan." But thanks to liberal neglect, We weren't able to ship 1,000 troops and equipment anywhere because we weren't able to. It's important to note that a Conservative Harper Government did it's best to restore a military presence to help our Allies.

But it makes no sense whatsoever for a Conservative Government to build a military as best it could only for liberals to take it apart.

It should also be noted that the World is getting more and more dangerous. Dangerous for everyone. Just look at Paris. Please note also the response from France as soon as the attack happened. It sent and Aircraft carrier to the middle east to help British and American troops in the fight against ISIS. If an attack like that happened in Toronto, there would be no Aircraft Carrier to send. No troops to send. No equipment. We would condemn ISIS for their terrorist act.
 It might even be possible that Trudeau would still ramp down our CF-18's.

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