Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Niqab Policy

The Supreme Court of Canada made the wrong ruling when it upheld a woman who wanted her face to be covered by a niqab during a Citizenship Ceremony. This is wrong. This is not the way we do things and we shouldn't bow down to a tradition that is followed by other people of other countries and of other religions. Some things are wrong. In the excerpt, it says there is not a law but a regulation. I think what that means is that if a woman refuses, she would not be granted citizenship. She's not breaking the law though. It says she wants her citizenship because she wants to vote in upcoming election. The Government is appealing the decision. It should. As a Canadian citizen that was born and raised in this Country, we never argued about rights, and what I'm able to do. This is freedom. But don't break the law. And leave everything behind. Your problems, your issues, leave them at home. You're in a new Country where we do things different. We follow different religions. I said you should leave things behind, I'm not saying everything, but know that it should you that is entering a new place, with different values and different beliefs. There was a time when nobody from middle eastern Countries came here to Canada. Therefore, wearing a mask during citizenship or for your passport was not an issue. If for example I moved to the United States or another Country (Australia), I would adjust to their way of life, I would >thank them for allowing me to enter their Country and would do my best to make them the best Country to live in. I don't tell them to adjust to me and my beliefs, I adjust to them. If I have anything to offer, it is my faith in God, and my skill in the work that I do. Which is quite exceptional. Praise the Lord. Here's what to remember: "If your rights are not covered in the Constitution, it doesn't mean you have the right." That's because the Constitution hasn't been completed yet. It doesn't cover things like Niqabs, masks, during ceremonies or when getting a passport or when voting. But if even one is allowed to do so, then there will be others. And more, and more and more, more, more. And this is a direction we don't want to go. We need to protect our way of life. These things are wrong. One thing to remember. A woman in the U.S. was just released from prison because she refused to issue marriage licenses for gay couples. It was against her beliefs. It would be against my beliefs too. In this situation I would personally issue the license because it's my job. I will still stand up for my beliefs just like the prophet Daniel did. But I would do my job in this case. A person is ultimately responsible for their actions and will stand before the judgement seat of Christ to account for their actions. If he/she has a relationship with Jesus Christ, they are forgiven for their sins and will enter heaven. But if not, They will be held accountable, which is life away from God. Again, this Government is right in appealing the decision of the Court. The way I see it, I like someone who supports my beliefs. I will vote for them. Maybe you will too. The latest:

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